My legions and legions of readers might recall that I went to the hospital four weeks ago and got a total hip replacement. Yes, this is what it looks like, only my titanium rod is a little longer and sharper.

I'm bouncing back now, so much so that there's time for a little reflection.
Here's the reflection: When I'm cremated, what happens to the titanium in my hip? I can't imagine that crematoriums work at temperatures high enough to melt titanium.
I guess I have a few years to ponder what I'll suggest my descendants do with that metal spike. Maybe someone in my family will go to Mars and leave it there. Can't imagine they'll want it sitting around on the mantelpiece. "Look, there's dear Mama's hip. May she have found the Summerlands."
I'm open to creative ideas here. Help me out!
Art, I think. Defiinitely art. Specify in the will a NICE amount of money to whomever is willing to take the spike, make it into art, and drag it to all the family reunions.
It's nice to know that people will still be talking about you!
(Here's to your health and comfort, by the way, and may the spike be yours for Quite Some Time.)
WOW I never thought of that. MAybe a nice candle holder.
if you have to have another hip replacement they can take both of them and cross them like swords over the fireplace...kind of like old lady weopons of mass destruction..
just saying..
Take it to a Star Trek convention and market it as a Klingon objet d'art.
titanium is an expensive metal, take it to the scrapyard and see what it's worth.
Couldn't a titanium hip be considered an "organ" for donation purposes? They DO transplant segments of bone into two birds with one stone (aside from yourself, that is) and have your hip donated to someone without insurance, and consider that the ultimate act of recycling! Yes, I am certain a hip can be refurbished if need be.
Either that or have it melted down for razorblades for a person suffering with that "wolfman" syndrome.....
Working pacemarkers can not be transplanted into people (however they can be transplanted into dogs,) so it might be the same deal with joint replacements. Something about it not being sterile (if I remember correctly.)
You could have it melted down and made into jewelry. I'd wear it.
My physical therapist said with a straight face, "They recycle those. You probably got a used one." For a split second I believed him -- or was just astonished. He totally cracked up! Made fun of me the rest of the afternoon.
I don't care about your hip. Can I have your twat??
I'm watching the answers (except that last one) closely, for advice as to what to do with my titanium molar roots.
The dentist told me straight faced that they'll outlast me, probably for thoudands of years. He's a Christian-I wonder how he can say that?
Terri in Joburg
anne johnson:
I'm writing the screenplay, as I type.
Scene 1:
The spacecraft settles slowly on to the martian plane. Out of the open hatch a figure descends to the planet's surface and removing an 'artifact' from a pouch on his EVO suit (that's the right term, right?) he places it, with solemn reverence on a big ass flat topped boulder that looks like an altar--as "Thus Spake Zarathu... Whaddayamean "it's been done"?
I've got a metal rod in my back (with assorted odds and ends of wiring and bolts, lol). I've had it since I was 12, and yet I never wondered what would happen if I was cremated. I am now!
Great blog!
anne johnson:
You should told 'em you wanted a "green" hip, made out of all natural materials.
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