Monday, November 03, 2008

Election Endorsements 2008

Welcome to "The Gods Are Bored!"

Mindful that presidential elections are very important, and that everyone should vote for the person they think can run this very large, very important country, we offer the following endorsement for President of the United States of America:

Thomas Jefferson.


yellowdoggranny said...

i don't know..he had a big fucking ego..i like john adams.

Alex Pendragon said...

THAT commie atheist Deist, what with his "bill of rights" and half-hearted desire to grant freedom to slaves? Yea, right..................

I say Andrew Jackson; there's one patriotic sonofabitch who will get rid of these damn terrorists once and for all!

Evn said...

Oop, sorry, slave owner. I cannot encourage my Strifemongers to endorse your candidate.

We'll all be voting for the Samoan.

Lavanah said...

Not Lincoln? At least he has practice trying to govern a nation at war with itself. Of course, there was that little habeus corpus thing...

BBC said...

Why does everyone keep looking into the monkey shit dust in the ruts of time and space behind us when the future is in front of us?

You can't build a future on the past, there is just a lot of monkey shit back there.

Democracy, what a joke. Let your kids run your home for four years.

Thalia said...

Andrew Jackson whom the Native Americans of the time nicknamed "the Devil?"

Not for me. I'm voting for FDR! Screw the 22nd Amendment! Let's vote him in for a fifth term! Yay!

Evn said...

If you're voting for FDR, then I'm voting for Eleanor.

Anne Johnson said...

FDR is a good choice, Thalia! And once again Billy shows his genius. My kids HAVE been running my house, and for a lot longer than four years!

Thalia said...

Thank you Anne! Though now I am ashamed that feminist me was not able to think outside the box enough to come up with the excellent idea that is Eleanor Roosevelt instead of FDR. I hang my head.