Welcome to "The Gods Are Bored" on this, our third anniversary! Gosh! We've lasted longer than a lot of marriages! It must be the great sex.
Hard to believe that three years ago I sat down at this computer and defied all of my previous illiteracy long enough to start this blog.

I've had a lot of great adventures since April 14, 2005. My daughters and I have gotten to know the Monkey Man. I joined a fabulous Druid Grove. I've been to two Fairie Festivals and three East Coast Vulture Fests.
I've interviewed many fabulous bored gods and goddesses: Asherah, Baal, Epona, Mannanan MacLir, Sedna, Chac, and many, many more! All but Mars were quite polite and disinclined to stain my furniture.

My faeries, Puck, Princess, and Aine have contributed their own mayhem to the site. And once and awhile when I'm away, some whiner named "Mr. Applegate" comes and complains about his job.
Never hear me complaining about my job, do you? That's because I don't have one! Thank you, Mr. George W. Bush! Soon you won't have a job either. (What a lovely thought!)
Writing this web log has been a joy for me, a way to make myself laugh and to stick it to the morons out there. Who are the morons? They're people who don't agree with me! Hey. I'm human. And this is my blog. If you don't like me, you can call me a moron on your blog. Which is gonna happen any day, when the fundies catch up with "The Gods Are Bored."
I think the very best part of "The Gods Are Bored," for me, has been all the comments I've gotten from you readers. I love making you laugh, and getting your advice, and hearing from you. Someone proposed marriage to me via email. Another person wondered where to get vulture feathers for religious purposes. I got invited to be on a kick-ass Appalachian web site. I got a "Thinking Blogger" award.
I have even met two of my readers, Hecate and the Wandering Hillbilly. Over the coming year I would love to meet more of you, because I've never had as many friends as I have from writing this site.

So if you want more wicky-wacky-wackadoo mayhem, more essential upholstery maintenance tips, more sensuous writing about ancient diet colas, and more righteous indignation about the Yahweh Oligarchy, join me in 2008! We've got magic to do, just for you!

Happy Anniversary! I think I can safely speak for the entire known universe when I say we think you're great.
Happy birthday! And thanks for an excuse to mention how much I love your blog.
Oh, yeah--over at MetaPagan I just happened to mention your birthday, and said a bunch of nice stuff about you, too. So if your ears have been burning, maybe that's why...
Here's to many more wonderful years of Bored Gods, sacred vultures, and fairy mayhem! Blessed be!
I love you Anne!
I stumbled upon you only relatively recently, and already you are one of my favorite blogs, along with Donn the Dangerous Canadian, Buffalo, the Biker expatriate, and Paul, who is always wondering. I wish I had discovered you sooner.
But the real joy has been finding a fellow pagan who knows not to take herself seriously, so that our paths can be filled with laughter and hope that somehow, we can survive the rapture, Armageddon, and all those other exciting dates the Christians have planed for us. I truly wish that our combined love of this third rock from the sun could somehow combine to save it, but mankind is a disease that is not easily controlled OR cured, and I personally feel our days are numbered. But, until that day arrives, I am going to spend at least a few minutes living it in the good graces of your great blog, and enjoy my great fortune to have known you, if only in a wild and crazy blog.
Happy Anniversary, Anne! TGAB is my very favourite pagan blog. Goddess' blessings upon you!
happy happy anniversary to you...today is the first day of the rest of your life...
so don't fuck it up..
just wish that i had discovered you 3 years ago..i just thought you posted on the green blog...if was like finding gold when i discovered your blog..and im buckled in and ready for more..
Happy Birthday, The Gods Are Bored!
Many more.
Terri in Joburg
Happy Blogoversary!
It has been a true pleasure stopping by to read here, Lo! these past some months (years? Lo! she has lost track of time! wheee)
Thank you, for a wonderful place to linger awhile.
How exciting..3 years! Well since I just found you recently I cant wait for the next 3 years of great entertainment from you.
Happy Anniversary!
Happy Third Birthday. Are we through the terrible 2's?? I agree with some of the other commenters about wishing i had found you 3 years ago but i've enjoyed the read since. Keep up the excellent work and may this project bring you joy for many years more.
Thank you all, and Cat especially. I feel the love. And I love the feeling.
Happy happy, and I'm looking forward to many more posts.
Hope you don't mind occasional comments from this Episcopalian. :)
Happy anniversary Anne. I think I said that in your last post, but hey, it bears repeating!
Happy blogoversary! :) Many happy returns. I love this blog -- you're Pascal's bookie. ;)
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