Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Coming Clean

Welcome to "The Gods Are Bored!" We're glad you could join us. It's official: Samhain is just seven days away. I'm assembling Gnomehenge for a service. I'll try to get a photo.

Do any of you really believe I'm a goat judge with a degree from Billy Bob Agricultural University? (BBAU?) Okay, I'm coming clean. I'm not a goat judge. Or rather, I'm a metaphorical goat judge. For instance, Senator Rick Santorum is a goat. In my judgment.

So if you like me and want to see what I'm really about, click here and then "Read More about the Scopes Monkey Trial."

At the very least, it certainly narrows down the number of Anne Johnsons I could possibly be, probably by a factor of a million.

Can't remember when I've enjoyed working on something like I did "Scopes." It was a pure joy.

P.S. Yes, I really am a hillbilly.


Luna said...

Congratulations both on your successful publication but also your enjoyment of it. Too many people complain about how difficult their scholarly projects are. Glad to hear someone with a positive outlook.

Hecate said...

Damn, girl. I did think you were a goat judge. How gullible am I?