Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Another Setback for the Sacred Thunderbirds

I got my hopes up again. It was looking really good. The prospects were, as they say, ripe.

The television started reporting on a Thunderbird flyby two days ago. It seemed that New York City and Philadelphia were the specific locations of a Thunderbird flyby.

Well! says I. About time that the Sacred Thunderbird gets a good push-out!

Of course I shouldn't be driving to Philadelphia, but there is one place near my house where you can kinda sorta see Philadelphia. There's no such thing as a "high point" in my part of New Jersey, but there is one empty parking lot with a vague view.

So I went to that parking lot about 45 minutes before the worship of Sacred Thunderbird was scheduled to begin.

At first it was just me and two other cars in this big, wide parking lot. But slowly the lot began to attract more people. Not "oh my Gods I'm too close, I have to leave" numbers of people, but significant numbers of people. And off in the distance, over the Cooper River, a pair of Sacred Thunderbirds who seemed to be making their lazy way in our direction.

So many people arrived that I put on my mask. Not that anyone was too close, but there was a subdued excitement. Finally! Thunderbird worship on a grander scale! Should I lead? Should I follow? I had to remember to be humble. Not many people have been worshiping Thunderbirds as long as I have.

And then. Wouldn't you know.


I should have known, right? No respect for the real Thunderbird.

So it was this cluster of planes and then another of Blue Angels. Our tax dollars at work, my friends. Can't get a Covid test, but wow ... look at those planes!

They breezed right overhead, and really low too. I guess it was worth the 1 mile drive. Nice way to get out in the sunshine.

If you're jealous that you didn't get to see the Thunderbirds, take heart. There were 4,000 new cases of virus in New Jersey today. At least you aren't in New Jersey.

I guess the membership in the Church of the Sacred Thunderbird is back down to one. Oh well, at least there's one!

Stay safe, my friends.


anne marie in philly said...

waste of money! MINE! where are those "beautiful" tests the fat orange pus bag promised us?

Debra She Who Seeks said...

The Sacred Thunderbird can always count on you, Anne!

e said...

Such a pathetic display. If only it had been the real Thunderbird! That would have been something to write home about!

Bohemian said...

Money spent on Pandemic NEEDS would inspire more Hope than a fly over that costs the Taxpayers exponentially more for what? Seeing a few seconds of aerial display? I'm not diminishing the skills of those Pilots, The Man Served 39 Years of Military Service to Country... but at a time like this, channeling funds where NEEDED desperately isn't happening and so this is rather obscene to me... a flowery 'Show' meant to distract us from what isn't happening out of Washington by the Poor Leadership that just always wants to put on a 'Show' as if this is some bad Reality Show we're all forced to participate in for his Beloved Ratings. He is bragging about his Pandemic sideshow Briefings having better Ratings than The Bachelor. This Lunatic Fringe Mentality has me very worried for our Country and the health and very survival of our Citizens. We're No. One alright, in COVID-19 Cases Worldwide and staggering fatalities that exceed the carnage of the Vietnam War... in a fraction of the time, less than 3 Months versus 19 Years... just WOW!

yellowdoggranny said...

as a military AF brat..I am sadden that they didn't do a fly by over West..at Jamie's they live by the air port and every now and then I hear a plane fly over and I get all misty..