Housekeeping: Congratulations to Buzzardbilly, winner of three magnificent vulture greeting cards! BB, I'll be in touch.
It was mad rainy here at TGAB on Samhain. So, of course, one of my jack-o-lanterns gazed at the sky in dismay. (I carved them myself. I don't make a science of it.)
This is the Shrine of the Mists, done for a rainy Samhain. I had other plans for it, but the weather didn't cooperate. On the other hand, here is an interesting phenomenon.
I bought cheap votive candles for my pumpkins. I had trouble getting them lit. When I did get them lit, however, they rocked on with maximum longevity. I suppose I lit the one pictured at about 6:30 p.m. I put his "hat" on so the rain couldn't get in to snuff the candle. Wow, that worked!

When I went to bed at midnight, The jack-o-lantern was still glowing. It was both lovely and eerie in the dark night. I decided to let it burn. The grass was so wet, and it was on the shrine, so I figured I wouldn't start a forest fire.
Mr. Johnson is a night owl. When he came to bed at 2:00 a.m. Eastern Standard Time, he reported that the pumpkin was still burning. I got up and looked out. Sure enough, I saw an orange glow, two little eyes and a crooked mouth.
I went to feed the horse (that's what I call using the loo at night). When I came back to bed a minute later, the pumpkin's flame had extinguished itself. Isn't that interesting? If you don't think so, you've wandered to the wrong site. Go talk to Rush.
Final photo: Gnome Henge, the annual gathering of lawn gnomes in front of Chateau Johnson
Now I must go and prepare for my day teaching school. Please keep me in your thoughts. We need this job I was lucky enough to secure.
Great pictures! I like Gnome Henge and your pumpkins. Good luck today!
Nice pix! Wishing you all the best today!
Keeping you in mind for the best possible outcome today.
And thank you for the pictures. Younger Daughter and I have been working on the idea of an outdoor shrine, and we had been wondering what yours looked like.
I wish you luck on teaching tests,
and know you will have done your bests.
That's all that counts, the effort pulled,
for classes where the teacher's Schooled.
/end puckish poet channeling. :)
I'm sure ya did great Anne!
I'll be sending positive energy your way today! I had to teach in front of the Super before and I know it can be nerve wracking.
And I love your shots of the jack-o-lanterns!
"Gnome-Henge" will make me giggle all day long!
Gnome Henge is the best thing I've seen all week!
Best of luck with the teaching evaluation. We all know you're awesome - it's so obvious! I hope that superintendent falls in line. Good energies coming your way.
Those pumpkins rock and gnomehenge should be a national landmark!
Thanks for the cards. You have an award at my site this morning!
Just imagine the superintendent sans underpants!
oh i love the punkins...and babs would freak out over the gnomes..she and nitwit think they steal your souls..ha
candles lit prayers sent
Anne, I just might conduct a circle fully in honor of YOU, because you have enriched my life with your blog, and I honestly think the world is far better off with you in it rather than becoming buzzard bait before your time (no disrespect to the Sacred Thunderbirds). Thank you for the wonderful pics and the thought processes that make you so halariously unique! Blessed Be!
I really like your shrine. :) Gnome Henge makes me smile too! I don't think spouse thought I was serious last year when I said I needed gnomes for the yard. lol I'll have to show him Gnome Henge. :D
Best wishes with your job!
How'd it go?
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