Friday, November 30, 2007

National Meth Awareness Day

Welcome to "The Gods Are Bored," officially welcoming back the vultures of Wenonah! Yes, they have returned to their winter roost in numbers. Therefore we are off to see them! O, praise ye the Sacred Thunderbird! Hallelujia!

Only have a minute or two if I want to get down to Wenonah by flyover time.

Even the most grotesquely inept presidents can do some little good. Accent on the little. Apparently Dubya has named November 30 National Meth Awareness Day.

We at "The Gods Are Bored" recognize crystal methamphetamine as one of the great dangers of this era. That shit will kill you. And we have a flighty 13-year-old to worry about in this house. So we're concerned about crystal meth. We think perhaps more government money should be going to eradication of meth labs and less toward eradication of Iraqi children.

Beseech your gods and goddesses to protect people everywhere from the scourge of crystal meth. We at "The Gods Are Bored" do not curse anyone, but we hope that the evil inflicted by meth dealers comes back upon them threefold. So might it be.

Off to see the buzzards fly in for the night. Talk about a natural high!

Photo: The vultures of Wenonah


BBC said...

"We at "The Gods Are Bored" recognize crystal methamphetamine as one of the great dangers of this era. That shit will kill you."

Other than booze and trying some pot (that I just didn't get the point of) I've never tried any other drugs.

But based on what I see and hear I have to agree with you, it really screws a lot of people up.

And then we have to support them for the rest of their lives, I'm not sure this is fair.

What do you think?

BBC said...

"We at "The Gods Are Bored" do not curse anyone, but we hope that the evil inflicted by meth dealers comes back upon them threefold."

In our judicial system? Yeah, right. Welcome to our idea of democracy. Still support it?

yellowdoggranny said...

dear goddess are bored..please help me refrain from bipping bbc upside his head...amen..

you may not know it..but i was a huge meth user way way way back in the day..and of all the things i ever did...that was the most harmful thing I ever did..not to just myself..but to my family and friends...and your right..that shit will kill you...

Anne Johnson said...

Gran, I sure am glad you survived it. As for Mr. B, I guess we can rule out meth.