Saturday, April 23, 2011

House in Faerie and Dragon Overload

Welcome to "The Gods Are Bored," just a few short days east of the May Day Fairie Festival at Spoutwood Farm!

I sure hope I'm feeling better by that time, because I think I've had two different bouts of flu this week, plus pinkeye. Today I scuttled my plans to see my friends in Allentown, and just sitting here at the computer is exhausting work.

Oh, but the festival preparations continue!

In times past, leaders of Tribes were not asked to bring anything but themselves and little tokens to give out to anyone who wanted to join the tribe. I thought I had finally volunteered for something that would ask little and give a lot.

But I'm doomed to the "say yes syndrome." With about a dozen members of the Mountain Tribe spread over three states, we have been asked to:

1. Prepare a table display explaining all about the Mountain Tribe (partially finished with the great help of Pam and Rita).

2. Create a big sign with a chant on it that our Tribe will have to chant. (Spare is working on this now.)

3. Learn the chant.

4. Be more systematic about the tokens we dole out.

5. Learn the chant.

6. Run games for kids. (That's why I needed the dragons. I still need more.)

7. There was also a rehearsal that I missed last weekend because I was sick, and it rained.

So we went from needing nothing more than boffo costumes, to needing to put on a quarter of a pageant! Faeries help me and Spare, and Pam and Rita, and Bibi as we try to prop up this venture!


Debra She Who Seeks said...

I hope you're feeling better soon and that everything comes together in a spectacular fashion!

yellowdoggranny said...

feel better soon..see why I don't like organized religion..even if it's my own.

Intense Guy said...

The woodland deities are challenging you - I 'spect you will live up to it...

...and I hope you feel much better soonest -

Maebius said...

Eek! I'll be there, and as soon as I see the chant I'll teach it to my cadre collection here.

I'm a bit far distant, and time is getting close to running out, but if you need anything, just ask!