Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Beta Blogging

Have you ever tried to type with a cat's head between your fingers?

I'm very pleased to report that Beta Johnson is two days home from her surgery and on the mend. She does not like being given antibiotics, and I'm sure it will get harder as she feels better. But just now she's on my lap, purring and butting my hands.

I got surgery for Beta because of Spare. But now that Beta's home I believe she was worth the patch-up. She is a great mouser and moler, so she earns her keep. Heck, she even smacks down the basement crickets.

So, Ceiling Cat, look down upon us (although You aren't bored) and help me get Beta's antibiotic into her. By baby bird season Spare will be cursing her again.


Ronda Kisner said...

"Have you ever tried to type with a cat's head between your fingers?"

Yes. Everyday. And sometimes it is a tail a paw or a whole cat. I am not sure how I got anything done when I had two cats!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Glad to hear Beta came through with flying colours! Our cats should all wear little pink ribbons for her.

Makarios said...

There are some good suggestions for administering pills at

Your vet may be able to supply a pet piller and/or pill pockets (see links on the above page). I found that the piller worked very well with my own cats.

Good luck.

Intense Guy said...

I hope Beta continues to heal quickly and takes their meds!

BellaDonna Oya said...

Wonderful!! So glad to hear she is doing well. As the proud human belonging to 11 cats, I can highly recommend the "Burrito wrap" as a good way of giving meds to most cats. It works especially well for liquid meds, but can also be used for pills. If you know how to do this, please ignore the rest of this post, and my apologies for telling you something you already know. But in case you are unfamiliar with it: Place the cat paws down on a towel diagonally, then fold the bottom point up over her bottom and the side points over her back. Make sure the front paws are INSIDE the wrap, and you can hold her in the crook of your arm to administer meds. It minimizes the struggle, and makes it a little easier on both of you.