Thursday, August 26, 2021

Die on the Hill, Just Don't Take Me Along

 Ah, summer is almost over, and a new school year beckons. Even though COVID-19 is almost worse than ever, we are back to full enrollment in our schools.

In the meantime, I know three fully vaccinated adults who caught COVID-19 and were sick for weeks. Granted, they survived. But sick for weeks. All younger than me.

Pandemic does not be over. How silly of me to think so! This is 'Murica, Land of the Idiot and Home of the Moron.

Why are people who have been vaccinated for a half dozen deadly and infectious diseases suddenly unwilling to get a shot? That was a rhetorical question. I know the answer. The answer (no matter what other answer they give) is that Joe Biden encourages everyone to get a shot. If Joe Biden promoted breathing, they would all turn blue and suffocate.

If it was just the anti-shot morons infecting each other, I wouldn't care a bit. Go ahead and die on the hill of your "freedom." But I don't want to go with you. I have done everything -- everything -- the public health experts have told me to do. Everything. A 45-minute visit on Christmas, on the front porch of my daughter's rental? Did it. Quarantine for weeks and weeks? Did it. Wearing a mask everywhere? Did it. Doing it. Will do it. Hand sanitizer? Use it. Avoiding crowded indoor events? Did it. Doing it. Will do it.

I fought to get a date for my vaccination. Now I will need to fight for a booster ... and in the meantime spend my days with a room full of teenagers. There are 100 students on my roster this year. Even if half of them are vaccinated, that'll be a lot of COVID-19 floating in the stagnant classroom air. And I will have to wear a mask all day long, every day. I'll be afraid to take it off any time I'm in the room, including when I'm alone. Shit can hang in the air.

Most of this suffering could have been avoided if we had a citizenry that is less evenly divided between reasonable and ridiculous.

Getting sick from COVID when you've done everything to prevent it is like dying of tobacco-induced lung cancer without ever having smoked a cigarette. I don't want to be that victim!

Yes, I have practiced magic to keep myself safe. But no matter. I'm predicting with confidence that I'll contract this damn plague sometime this fall. Oh, morons. Thank you so much.


jenmoon said...

Yeah, I had my first straight up Covid exposure a few days ago and am waiting in limbo on that one. Whee. Guess where that came from--hanging out with a teacher :( All of us in the group were vaccinated but I presume that isn't the case at her school. At least she's feeling almost back to normal after a few days, thank goodness.

I'm so sick of this shit, it's never going to end, and I have to go back to school myself for work next week. And I live/work in a place with mask mandates. Hopefully my double masks kept me safe, but who knows for sure yet, I still have to go through more testing until the end of the week.

Bob said...

"If Joe Biden promoted breathing, they would all turn blue and suffocate."

Debra She Who Seeks said...

May Brigid protect you! And us all!

e said...

It's infuriating! What the hell is wrong with people?!? Anyone who would put their family and friends in harm's way just for political posturing is an ASSHOLE. Refusing to mask your children? Are you descended from Mengele? It boggles the mind.

pam nash said...

Your list of "everything done" - yeah - me too. Got the vaccine. Will get the booster. Still wear a mask. Still avoid large crowded areas. People in my state are dying and there are still those that won't do anything to help things get well. argh! I do not understand.

yellowdoggranny said...

people are assholes

Debi said...

School Boards, Universities(Ontario) are mandated vaccinations for those over 12yrs plus teachers. Plus up to date ventilation in each school that is older than the others.
Still not 100 percent but we have our population of anti EvERything!
I feel so bad for you, it is infuriating
Suit up like the ER workers do everyday!

hillbilly fairy said...

joe biden needs to get out in front of this and tell us how great breathing is. and maybe eating too while he's at it.

Richard said...

We will probably all get it. I have done what i can and now there is nothing more to do. I'm old person, so nobody will care anyway.
The thing that bothers me is the stupidity of the whole thing. It is so unnecessary. I don't want those assholes to destroy my whole world before i go.
They won't even know what they have missed.