Every year in March the Pagan community holds an event called Sacred Space at a hotel in Baltimore. I have never gone.
March is the hardest month when you are a school teacher. You get Daylight Savings Time as well as a level of ennui that puts the bored gods to shame. Everyone is praying for spring, praying for June, praying for evaluations to be over. It's still cold and often gray, raining but not snowing. The end of the year seems to be miles and miles away.
I lack the kind of energy I would need to go to Sacred Space and be really present there. So I stay home.
This spring I need to tend my own sacred space. The lavish new McMansions across the street are finished and inhabited. There are now 6 children under the age of 7 in those two houses. My whole block is suddenly running with kids. It wasn't that way when Heir and Fair were growing up.
It's time to tidy the outdoor surroundings, to buy screening plants for the porch and perhaps a fountain. I need a new bird bath and some more shiny stuff to please the faeries and Nature Spirits.
It will be a creative challenge to block the view of those ugly houses. If you have any suggestions, fling them at me. I need for my little piece of ground to be an oasis of peace in a desert of chaos.
hydrogen bomb to lob at the houses?
Privacy hedges grow fast; you could let them go untrimmed and create your own Secret Garden.
the Ol'Buzzard
for lack of a better joke...a wall.
Prayer flags the size of bed sheets?
I'd go with a privacy hedge. Maybe cypress trees and you can decide you are in Italy?
The only thing that's going to cure the ugly houses is time. At least the owners have children. One of my pet annoyances is the owners of McMansions who have a humongous ugly beast of a house, one with multiple bedrooms and more bathrooms then any human could ever use, and then are either single or childless. They have huge ugly houses whose only function is to serve as a giant storage unit for stuff no one really needs.
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