Welcome to "The Gods Are Bored," freedom of expression, session by session! I'm your host, Annie the Crazy Cailleach, and my friend in the tree is Big Red, official dragon of the Spoutwood Fairie Festival Mountain Tribe.
Now is the time to mark your calendar for the May Day Fairie Festival at Spoutwood Farm. The dates are April 29 and 30, and May 1. Be there and be fair!
Today I'd like to offer a little public service announcement.
Last year's festival was filmed by an artist named Kevin Spahr. Kevin has finished his 87-minute documentary and is seeking patrons who would like a copy or who would otherwise like to help his future endeavors. He financed "Glen Rock Fae" on his own and has devoted many months to its completion. What I've seen of it is both beautiful to the eye and inspiring to the imagination.
Kevin has posted a trailer on KICKSTART, a fundraising site. If I haven't been a total computer loser, you should be able to see the trailer by clicking on my sidebar. Don't blink if you watch it! Spare and I make a split-second appearance at exactly 1:52 into the preview. If you get to the cute guy with horns, you've gone too far.
Kevin was blessed in 2010 with glorious, sunny (if blisteringly hot) weather, and he just makes that festival look like heaven on Earth. Which it is, so come to heaven with me! What do you say? Let's go greet the fae!
Seriously, please help Kevin out if you can. And reserve now, Hampton Inn Shrewsbury!
Just wanted to pass along a website that I've been glued to these last few days.
I also have some "buzzard" music for you :)
Happy Friday!
Great ideas, we do the same thing ourselves at JustFundraising.com
Check it out today and order the free sample kit: http://www.justfundraising.com/kit/kit_in.cfm
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