Saturday, November 20, 2010

Vulture Festival Downsized

Ladies and gentlemen: Due to declining ticket sales and volunteer fatigue, the 2011 East Coast Vulture Festival will consist only of a children's fair in the afternoon. No evening festivities are planned.

This unexpected blow to the nascent vulture worship community of southern New Jersey will need to be dealt with somehow. Your suggestions would be most appreciated.

Yours in sorrow,
Anne Johnson
Shaman of the Sacred Thunderbird


Intense Guy said...

Awwww... Them vultures is a gonna be pissed...

Dancing With Fey said...

I'm sorry to hear that. :(

Mama Kelly aka Jia said...

Oh hun. Im sorry to hear that.

yellowdoggranny said...

oh no! can that be? you need a promotion dude..

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Bummer! Wish I had some bright ideas. But at least you'll still be reaching the younger generation!

The Traveler said...

That's not good..perhaps you could reach out to those that visit the fair to get new volunteers. Or maybe you could get local vendors involved- that tends to get things rolling.

Thalia said...

Magic? Spellwork? Invocations to Nekhebet?

Maebius said...

know any local bands quirky enough to want a concert there and the attention that a Vulture-loving group would bring? Free advertising for the band?
I'll keep thinking....

Teacats said...

Check with local newspapers -- and do a write-up for their website. Maybe a "Vulture Culture" story? Maybe a story into "The Wild Hunt" website? Or "Witches Voice"?Also check with local bird-watching groups and let them know about the festival too. How about a "Carrion Cookoff" contest? Sales of tee-shirts or sweatshirts?