Friday, December 30, 2022

SCOTUS in the Tank

 If anything about 2022 stands out to me, it's the Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey, both chopped with one blow of the axe.

I saw it coming, because an even less conservative court overturned a 1972 decision that affected organized labor. There will be more anti-labor decisions coming down the pike, including one against the Teamsters that will make it nearly impossible for unions to strike.

This conservative Supreme Court was never about unborn babies or concealed firearms. It's about creating a pro-oligarchy climate in America and entrenching the moneyed interests.

Trouble is, the Roe fiasco has shed new light on the Supreme Court as an institution. Its reputation has tanked.

Everyone is saying that this latest mid-term election wasn't a Red Wave because of Trump. I don't think that's true. I think the Red Wave was more like a still pond because of the Supreme Court. People just don't like the way it got loaded with ideologues so quickly. As we at "The Gods Are Bored" like to say, BAD FORM.

Recently, my daughter The Fair got a job at a lively new online newspaper called the Philadelphia Citizen. I've got to thinking about her good fortunes. In my youth I was unable to find a journalism job in a big city. So, in a way, my daughter is living my dream. But when I was her age, if I had needed an abortion, I could have walked into any clinic and gotten one. Our nation has gone backwards. The high court is off the rails.

The one bodily autonomy women retain is the ability to fill out a ballot and vote. I think they did it in 2022. I think they'll keep doing it. Justice needs to be not just for the rich, but for all.


e said...

Lifetime appointments should cease. The whole structure of the court needs to be reexamined. Tanked indeed.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I agree with e about term limits. In Canada, superior court judges can only serve until they're 75. This makes it easier to plan for vacancies (among other things). Letting them serve for life is counter-productive.

And hey, congrats to The Fair on her online journalism job!

Ol'Buzzard said...

Yet, still about 48% of women vote Republican - the only thing I can accord that to is religion. Through much of the south fundamentalism religion Trumps everything.
the Ol'Buzzard

Janie Junebug said...

The Supreme Court made 2022 a distressing year. My daughter is living my dream educationally, but in a different field. She lives in Canada, which is a bit of a relief. She will not travel to any country where it's against the law for people to have necessary medical procedures.


Anne Johnson said...

Sad to say I wish my daughters were living in Canada.