Friday, December 23, 2022

A (Very) Short Chat with ChatGPT

Welcome, fellow sufferers on this mortal path! I'm Anne Johnson, hostess of "The Gods Are Bored." Long time no write, but hey, at least I'm not wasting your time.

Have you heard of this new Artificial Intelligence program called ChatGPT? You can ask a question about anything, and it will pour over the entire World Wide Web to craft an answer for you. This AI essayist is said to have all the knowledge of the world at its behest.

So, you know, almost like a Writing God, or some such.

Well, I put the blighted thing to the test, and it failed like an egg-sucking dog.

I went to all the trouble to log in, prove I wasn't a robot (ironic, eh?), get a numerical code on my phone, and then I could pose a question to the machine.

I kept it simple. I asked, "Are Gods bored?"

Here's its reply:

It is not possible for me to know whether or not gods, if they exist, experience boredom or any other emotion. Beliefs about the nature and characteristics of gods vary widely among different religions and belief systems. Some people believe that gods are all-knowing and all-powerful, and therefore do not experience boredom or any other negative emotion. Others believe that gods are imperfect beings who experience a range of emotions like humans do. Without more information about the specific beliefs of the person asking the question, it is not possible for me to provide a more specific answer.

Honestly, AI? You have access to the whole World Wide Web, and you didn't consult "The Gods Are Bored" to find the simple answer YES THEY ARE?

And here I was thinking I could get Chat GPT to write my blog for me, while I sit back and sip a hot cup of tea with a deserving bored Goddess! I'm crushed, I tell you. Crushed.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Well, at least this means that the robots and machines won't be able to replace our creative minds anytime soon.

I was just thinking of you today, Anne, realizing that it will soon be time for the New Years Day MUMMERS PARADE again! How excited you must be getting!

e said...

Not just a mealy-mouthed response but a web crawling fail! Any bot worth its bytes would have raced to your blog and determined the answer to this simple question. I guess it's up to you to keep us apprised of the boredom level of the gods, Anne.
Cheers to you and your family, wishing you all good health this Winter season and through the next year.

yellowdoggranny said...

what Elizabeth said...