Tuesday, February 01, 2022

Imbolc 2022

 It's Imbolc here at "The Gods Are Bored," and I must say this is a very special holy day. We're socked under some snow, but the days are bright longer. Already we have gained more than a half hour of daylight.

I feel like a spring bulb just beginning to quicken under the frozen ground. Still awaiting word on the property I hope to buy ... you know how that is. But Imbolc is the holy day of yet-to-come, and I'm feeling it in my bones. Something is stirring.

Something has happened in the 17 years I've been writing this blog. The Goddess Queen Brighid the Bright has gone from bored to busy. I could not even schedule her for an interview today. She now has a vibrant and growing praise and worship team! No more lurking behind "Candlemas" and sainthood for her. She's on the move!

This is the season of home and hearth, of the interior work we all have to do to keep our souls spiffy.

It is also the time of making plans and of anticipating the spring. We've been through the wringer the past two years. There's been a pestilence abroad in the land. It has claimed many people's lives. Now, though, there are vaccines and medications for the illness. No one need get a deadly case if they follow the protocols. Look how far we have come since we all crept home in March of 2020, fearing for our lives!

Let's prepare to plant and harvest the way we did before Covid came along. Imbolc is the time of preparation. Can you feel the possibilities in the air? Even if the Goddess is too busy to pop in and chat? I can.

Bright Imbolc blessings to you, readers of "The Gods Are Bored!" Light the candle, everything's all right.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Imbolc blessings to you too, Anne!

e said...

What a positive and hopeful post! Thank you for that, Anne, it is needed. Imbolc blessings to you and yours, as well.
I'm holding the good thought for your property purchase!

pam nash said...

Change is coming - my tarot cards tell me that everytime I look at them. Imbolc has left me with positive thoughts. And, I don't even read the news all that often any more.

yellowdoggranny said...

happy promise of spring

Nathaira said...

I was so delighted to read this, being another of those people whom Brighid has lately scooped up; I just began a somewhat-overdue devotional practice with Her. Happy Imbolc indeed!