Wednesday, July 03, 2019

Happy Independence Day!

Let me see if I can hit the high points.

We have people at our border, caged in conditions we reserve for mass production of chickens.

We have a president who has ordered tanks into the nation's capital and will be turning a bipartisan holiday into a media spectacle.

This same president is showing a blind obedience to dictators abroad and oil barons domestically.

He has packed the Supreme Court with pro-business flunkies who will render decisions that will harm the people and help the powerful.

This all sucks.

But Gods damn it, this is my country too. My ancestors came here in wooden boats, settled inhospitable terrain, fought in the great wars (Revolutionary War, Civil War). They also opposed the government when it did not serve them (Whiskey Rebellion).

It is with the Whiskey Rebellion in mind that I prepare for participation in the Fourth of July parade and perhaps travel into Philadelphia to see the big-city fireworks. I will stand in opposition to this president and his party in every way possible. It is my patriotic duty. I am an American, and because this nation is headed down the toilet, I have to work harder than ever to see that its ideals are upheld and that its ordinary folks, its workers, its struggling masses, don't find themselves bereft.

The stakes are high. Even the entire planet is in danger.

Happy birthday, America! The Whiskey Rebellion is perhaps in need of re-enactment.


Harry Hamid said...

Yeah, the idea that a healthy patriotism is not partisan is apparently too much to hope for these days. We need to be subjected to this crap on holidays, too. I'm not entirely sure what a tank has to do with July 4, 1776, either.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Happy Fourth of July to all who uphold America's ideals!

Janie Junebug said...

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez's description of her visit to a concentration camp is shocking and sickening. The human beings imprisoned there are jokes to the guards. Thank you for speaking out. So many people are afraid to do so. Tanks in Washington, D.C., for the aggrandizement of an illegitimate president.


anne marie in philly said...


yellowdoggranny said...

I'd like to see a stray rocket bury it'self in his ass..