Monday, June 03, 2019

Morons At Play

What can I say? It was a sunny day, and I had a few hours to spare while my daughter The Heir and her s.o. went canoeing. That's how I found myself on Main Street in Haterville in time to watch a Revolutionary War re-enactment.

 What was I thinking?


The gaggle of colonials in the street had a cannon that they fired with reckless abandon at a small aggregate of Redcoats advancing on them. Lots of noise. But just like in Star Wars, no matter how much the two sides shot at each other, no one fell down.

I honestly wouldn't mind battle re-enactments if they were really authentic, as in people paying a good couple hundred bucks for movie-quality gaping wounds, which they would claw at in futility as they screamed for their mothers. Another compelling element always missing is the panic in the populace. There were lots of women standing around in colonial attire, just watching. Whereas, to be authentic, they should have been screaming and running, their few possessions or a child clutched in their arms.

All this is my way of saying there's nothing historical about re-enactments. They are a more expensive form of LARP with different rules and no dragons.

But, to make matters worse, this particular "skirmish" had a new loathsome attraction.


So they had a guy re-enacting an Iroquois Indian. He was on the British side.

See, if I didn't write this blog, I would have just uttered a few select expletives and walked away. But I wanted to get the reporting done, so I could bring this travesty to y'all.

This person said he has no Iroquois ancestry, he dresses like this "for the history." I asked what his gear cost, and he said around $1,000. I asked him about the red paint, and he said it's what the Iroquois wore into battle, so they could wash up afterwards and go about blithely, like blend in with the populace.

I couldn't resist. I have such a smart mouth. I said, "Well, you're lucky to be in a brand of entertainment that is more accepted than mine. I'm a Mummer, and if we came out looking like this, we would be fried on a spit." And I walked away.

Mind you, I know the difference between a battle re-enactment and a Mummers parade. In one, grown men dress up in weird costumes and make a lot of noise. In the other, grown men dress up in weird costumes and are silent.

The way I carry on with every deity from every kind of pantheon, both Old World and New World, you would think I would be okay with cultural appropriation. But for a Caucasian man to dress up like this, "for the history" or otherwise, is disrespectful beyond the pale.

I've never liked watching people shoot at each other. I think it shows bad taste. It minimizes the suffering that wars inflict upon an entire populace and the ecosystem as well. I doubt that you see many of them done in Syria or Afghanistan these days.

Well! Enough of the sermon! I know you need to have your palate cleansed, so feast your eyes on this short video clip of my Mummers club, the Two Street Stompers, covering the same material a few years back.

Palate cleanser found here.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

A few years ago, we attended a War of 1812 re-enactment weekend in Ontario. There was face-painting for the kids. The little girls got the typical butterflies and kitty face treatments. The little boys had sword scars and flesh wounds painted on their faces. It just made me shake my head.

Ol'Buzzard said...

I have a friend that does mountain man reenactment. The extent he goes to in authenticity is impressive. Then he goes to camp meetings that are held all over New England where other reenactment gather. The thing that impresses me most is that mountain men were loners - trapping the wilderness by themselves for most of the year. He never goes out by himself and has never trapped any animal; but I can't criticize, because I use to attend biker rallies that were much the same - but a little wilder.
the Ol'Buzzard

anne marie in philly said...

disgusting. what does shit like this accomplish?

e said...

Thanks for the palate cleanser, that was refreshing! Love the dance off! I was thinking that the two sides plus the Betsy Ross contingent were going to form up into the shape of the American flag...

I agree with you 100% that war reenactments should include blood, death, and suffering. War is not a party. War is not play. It is tragic and devastating and should not be treated as a sideshow.

Bohemian said...

I've never understood the appeal of War re-enactments. I suspect many who participate never actually experienced the horror of real war and thus the role play is 'Fun' for them? The Man served in the Military for 39 years, he unfortunately went to war far too often, he said there is nothing entertaining or Fun about actual war. My Dad was Native American and Actors NOT Native American have always portrayed indigenous peoples... Dad always laughed and said with Gallow's Humor... what, couldn't they find enough of his people left, to hire to do the job with authenticity? Probably not... when was the last time you even saw an Apache Family eating Breakfast at Denny's?

yellowdoggranny said...

what gluttons they must be for punishment..sigh*