Thursday, May 02, 2019

Charming Chain of Command

Welcome to "The Gods Are Bored," and today just call me Miss Bliss! Here I have just returned from one swell getaway, and I'm fixing to take another tomorrow! Wowsa.

So today I'm going to share a series of posts by author Chas Clifton. It has been a few months since he contacted me about a problem with pesky pixies. What I loved about the subsequent correspondence was that, when I couldn't help him, I suggested walking his issues up the chain of command to a more experienced practitioner, and then he sought the advice of yet another expert we both know, and between all of us, a plan was crafted.

This is what I love about the Pagan community. It's still so small that one can easily meet or correspond with published authors in many paths. I have never found any of these authors to be anything but kindly and helpful.

You can find Chas's pixie adventure here.

It's a short read, and it sure gave me the happy feels!


ss said...
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Debra She Who Seeks said...

That is a very entertaining series of posts! And you know, it explains what happened to my bowl of little shells, stones and crystals that I got from various rituals and workshops I have attended. It completely disappeared years ago and I have never been able to find it since, although I have looked high and low everywhere I can think of. It's like it vanished into thin air! Maybe the cousins will return it some day, maybe not.

yellowdoggranny said...

I told him I give shiny things to the Goddess and honey for the faeries.

Ol'Buzzard said...

Damn Gnomes!
the Ol'Buzzard

Chas S. Clifton said...

Thanks for the linkage!