Saturday, December 04, 2010

Jabberwocky for the Spoutwood Fairie Festival


Davoh said...

Anne, forgive me .. but you are so "old hat" that me sort of understands it. Good that the "spare" translates for the "youngsters" .. heh.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

That was DELIGHTFUL! I laughed out loud several times during it -- sometimes at the Spare, sometimes at you, and once at the Bandersnatch. And that last "bit of business" with the feather -- very funny -- was that improv?

Anne Johnson said...

Yep. Total improv. The whole thing was improv.

Mike Mayhew said...

Anne, Its seven o'clock in the morning,in not so sunny UK. Its cold and wet on the outside. But you know what, you had me laughing so much I had tears in my eyes. Thanks for great start to the day.

Mike Mayhew