Thursday, May 27, 2010

Isaac Bonewits

Welcome to "The Gods Are Bored!" Red dragons always eat free here!

Tonight, Thursday, a number of Pagans are meditating or doing Work on behalf of Isaac Bonewits. Isaac is a leader in the American Druid community, a writer, a magick practitioner, and an all-around nice fellow.

Isaac has developed a form of cancer that is very difficult to treat. You can follow his vicissitudes at his Facebook fan page, and even kindly donate to help pay his medical bills. Please give some thought to helping Isaac financially. He's a self-employed writer. Need I say more on that front?

I heard Isaac speak once and attended a Ritual with him. He is a very commonsensical person, highly tolerant of all faith paths. At the place where I saw him, he talked for about two hours about the founding of ADF (an American Druid community) and his philosophy on bored gods and personal paradigm changes. He spoke eloquently on the money wasted in constructing and maintaining church buildings. I agree with him thoroughly on this. Once you start pouring cash into a structure, the praise and worship becomes about the structure and not the deity.

Isaac is a dear man, gentle and kind, laid-back and full of plain, down-to-earth wisdom. Which is exactly what you would expect of a Druid, actually. Let us all send him energy and petition the bored gods for restoration of his health.

Tonight the Shrine of the Mists will be illuminated for Isaac Bonewits. Protect, o Green Man, one of Your own.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

He's a true pagan elder, all right. Sorry to hear that times are tough for him.

Maebius said...

Tonight, the candle I light will shine forth for Healing. I also have met him personaly, and can attest him to being Good People(tm).