Thursday, March 04, 2010

My Mummer

Welcome to "The Gods Are Bored!" The vulture mascot costume arrived, and soon to follow is my daughter The Heir! Heir knows how to shoot videos, so perhaps you'll soon see me in all my vulture finery!

It's the funniest thing, but I've noticed it frequently. There's always some little bit of good to be found in any bad situation. This philosophy kept me in the Methodist Church for years. But never did I think anything spectacular would come out of the stupid night school classes I have to get in order to get a piece of paper saying I can do the job I'm already doing.

In night school, each of us students has had to get up and teach a "lesson" on something we find interesting. I did mine on kitten fostering. This past Wednesday it was someone else's turn.

That someone was a tall, young guy with a South Philly accent. His topic was being a Mummer.

Not much can divert my attention from buzzards during Buzzard Week, but this did. I finally met a Mummer!

For my three readers who don't know, Philadelphia has an annual Mummer's Parade on New Year's Day. Lots and lots of people -- mostly men -- dress up in sequins and feathers. And they strut in lavish routines. If you're a TGAB regular, you've seen the YouTubes.

I've lived in the Delaware Valley for 25 years, and I had never met a Mummer. They are, with perhaps the exception of the drunken Comics, titans one and all in my book. I would rather meet the humblest Mummer than Kevin Bacon or Bruce Springsteen. So, meeting one and learning about what it takes to be a Mummer, was absolutely fascinating to me. That one short presentation made up for every boring Bigwand harangue, and then some.

One of the things I learned was that each Mummer has to buy and assemble his own costume. My Mummer spends $2500 a year. He raises the money by selling chances. Guess who's gonna be buying a lot of chances? Heck, it's high time I got lucky!

After his presentation I gave him a hug. He said that some people on my side of the river don't even know what Mummers are. Well, I do. They're fabulous, and now I have my very own to support and root for. Sweet!


Hecate said...

Cool! I have never met a mummer!

Dancing With Fey said...

Now that is cool!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

What a fabulous payoff for all your night school frustration!

onelittlepagan said...

What a great reward for putting up with night school! I love how you're always able to find the good and the funny in everyday life (yes, that is obviously the point of your whole blog, but I wanted to tell you that I appreciate it)

Mr64 said...

What are you studying in nite school?

Maebius said...

How neat! This year we watched the Mummers Parade on TV with my son, then went shopping around Philly and actually Saw the folks strutting around. My son still talks about it from time to time, seeing all the crazy costumes, and how it clicked that some things on TV were "real" and not all cartoons, if that makes sense.

yellowdoggranny said...

i think you should involved the mummers with the buzzard festival some how.

kimc said...

selling chances? Chances at what?

Gruvkitty said...

That is so great! I bet he was pretty happy to get such a warm response, too. I miss the Mummers...and my amazing art studio at 12th and vine...and eating lunch at the Reading Mkt.