We at “The Gods Are Bored” are mourning the loss of sister blogger Jackiesue Roycroft Denney, author of Yellow dog Granny Jackiesue and I never broke bread together, but we managed to build a friendship through our blogs and phone calls and social media. She was a pip.
Nothing I like better than a salty lady who shares my politics, religion, and general philosophy of life. We both wanted to see the same people get fucked. We both liberally distributed f-bombs (well, she kind of lapped me on that, but I fucking tried to keep pace). We celebrated each other’s milestones, and I’m happy to say that my oldest daughter did actually get to meet her in Texas. But I never did. Fuck.
One time when the Philadelphia Eagles were playing the Dallas Cowboys, I kept track of the game by counting the number of times Jackiesue posted FUCK on her Facebook page. She loved me, but her affection did not extend to the Eagles. I think she passed on Saturday as to not have to witness the fucking Eagles appearing in the fucking Super Bowl. She would have had one word to say about the Eagles’ decisive victory. You can guess it.
Jackiesue was a larger-than-life presence in the small town of West, Texas. My daughter reported that the citizens of West deferred to her as if she was a Grand Wazoo. Small wonder at that. She was always doling out home made cake balls and potato salad and casseroles for 60 people, or else she was collecting money for the residents of the local nursing home or driving Meals on Wheels.
On April 17, 2013 I overheard the morning news, and they were talking about an enormous explosion in West, Texas. It made the national news. I was sick with worry about Jackiesue until I saw her back online again. At the young age of 70 she was front and center in all of the rescue efforts and the subsequent aid and comfort to the displaced.
What do you think about the spirit world? I can’t even picture Jackiesue lolling around in some paradise with a harp in her hand and a hosanna on her lips. I like to think she will blissfully haunt all the miscreants and morons who she opposed so fucking successfully while here in the apparent world.
Of all the strange things to find at the thrift store, I found a geode the day Jackiesue died. It’s on my shrine in her honor, as she always gave the Goddess shiny things for other people.
Well, she’s somewhere with that badass cat of hers, flinging the f-bomb and (I hope) haunting the horrible. She had the good fortune to enjoy the youth of her great-grandchildren and robust health until just recently.
The awesome outlaw friend I never met in the flesh but held in my heart. Here’s to you, JS. Go give those fuckers hell. You’re just the woman for the job.
What a perfect fucking tribute to our friend Jackiesue! The world is poorer for her absence now.
She was a fucking corker! The Queen of Salt! Like you, I hope (and firmly believe) that she will be dishing out the 'Find Outs' to the mean spirited morons who she so roundly despised on this plane of existence. Carry on with your mission, Your Fucking Majesty!
I came across this as I was searching for an obit for Jackiesue and my goodness, you've summed her up so perfectly in these paragraphs! Your words had me smiling through tears. I was also an online only friend and I am so regretting never having made the trip to "meet" her in person. A few of us Facebook friends and one of Jackiesue's granddaughter's are planning on collecting money for Christmas presents for her "old folks" at least one more time. It's something those that are too far away to attend services can do to honor her amazing energy. My email address is carrieann2672@gmail.com, please email if you'd like more info once we have it, closer to the holiday season. And I too am picturing Jackiesue and Dexter causing much havoc in the great beyond!
On a similar note: does anybody know what happened to Pagan blogger Hecate Demetersdatter? She's just missing, since shortly after the US election - missing from Twitter, too.
A fitting Tribute to someone in The Land who shall be missed. I couldn't hold a candle to the dropping of the F-Bombs JS could! And I swear a lot. I do Hope she's Haunting the Horrible.
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