For the love of fruit flies. He is as handsome as they all said he was. My aging heart is aflutter. Please give a warm, wonderful Gods Are Bored welcome to Phoebus Apollo!
Anne: I’m sorrry, great Sky Archer, but I am in very, very low spirits today.
Apollo: You mean about this new leader and all his reign portends?
Anne: Yes.
Apollo: This is my doing.
Anne: WHAT?
Apollo: You heard me.
Anne: But, Phoebus Apollo! Why?
Apollo: That sinking feeling in your soul, Anne? It’s hubris. First you laughed and jeered at the Jehovah prayer warriors and supremely underestimated their power. Then you asked my sister Aphrodite for help with a spell and then neglected Her shrine. The infamous “dead mouse on the altar” episode.
Anne: Oh snap.
Apollo: And the final blow? Showing a YouTube video to your students called “Apollo Was Evil” by some smartass podcaster. What were you forgetting amidst all this, Anne?
Anne: That you Greek deities are not only immortal, but abundantly supplied with human traits like fury.
Apollo: Sums it up nicely. Enjoy that heaping helping of mea culpa you’re going to be feasting upon. My siblings have had enough of your disrespect. And while we’re at it, we’re paving the way for the Jehovah people to wreck things good and proper. You deserve it, and your blighted (in every respect) country deserves it. We will enjoy Our front row seats.
Anne: I am guilty as charged, Phoebus Apollo. How can I reverse this curse? Oh no! You have the power to unleash bird flu!
Apollo: Indeed I do. Plagues are my thing, both causing and curing. And I am not in a curing mood.
Anne: What can I do? You aren’t deaf to pleading. Help me make this right.
Apollo: Start by developing some humility. Deep six that flippant attitude. I know that’s what has attracted your three readers, but it’s not acceptable. Gods are Gods. Please be aware of that.
Anne: This has occurred to me. I’m at fault here. I feel like I need to make a serious reparation.
Apollo: Nothing less than a pilgrimage to Delphi will do. Just so you know.
Anne: I hate traveling. I have only left the USA as far as Canada.
Apollo: Suit yourself. The damage is done, and I have decreed the cure. Steer clear of birds. Just a helpful tip.
And He’s gone without saying goodbye. No amount of tea and pie would matter anyway.
Yikes! This is dire! I will be honoring the Divine Goddess ardently today and every day for the next four years and beyond.
Signed, One of the Three
You're in luck, Anne! There's a small town called Delphi in Indiana, a mere 700 miles from New Jersey. PILGRIMAGE ROAD TRIP! Save us all, Anne, save us all!
I've been to Delphi. It's in ruins, except the treasury, which is partially standing. There's a museum there. I came around the corner, and there was a statue of a man who was shockingly good looking. the plaque at his feet said, "this man wasn't anyone important, but he was so good looking that the king declared a statue of him had to be made. " And there it is. We drove to Delphi from Athens, and once you are outside of Athens, the signs are all in Greek. There was a crossroads that wasn't on the map, and we figured out which one said Delphi from my knowledge of the Russian alphabet, which was invented by Greek priests. So it goes.
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