Tuesday, July 11, 2023


 I'm doing a little self critique here at "The Gods Are Bored" today, and one of the pesky bad habits I'm looking at is my use of social media.

I would probably be better off if I couldn't remember a time before the Internet, but I can. So even when I start every morning checking up on The Fair's posts on Instagram, and "The Turkey Vulture Society" on Facebook, I know I'm being lured into something unproductive at best and downright soul-sucking at worst.

I have a Twitter account, but I can't even remember the username. Therefore I can't shut it down, even though I want to. During the brief time I spent on Twitter, I felt it was a smelly, slimy place where people went to belittle other people who don't think like they do. I'll take the word of the scientists and scholars who say it has helped them communicate with one another. Not being a scientist or a scholar, I only found Twitter scary.

Now there's a new platform, "Threads," which sounds like pretty much Twitter except run by that weasel Zuckerberg instead of the weasel Musk. And already the authors I follow on Facebook have opened accounts and are all ready to muster new forces in yet another social media cavern.

This is an easy PASS for me. The last thing I want is another time-wasting mess of a social media website prying into my life choices. Keep your Threads! No one will miss me if I'm not there.

I'm going to visit Anneland for a few days, and one of the best things about it is that there's no Internet signal there. Not great if I get bit by a snake, but really swell if I just want to sit in the woods and be quiet. Which I do.

If you open up a Threads account, more power to you. Let me know what the scenery is like. If it's anything like Twitter, it's a bust.

Blogger remains the best, the very best. Thank you for reading!


Laura said...

Yeah, i'm a big NO on the new Threads app. when i heard Elon was buying twitter, i deleted my seldom used tweeting account. i deleted my book of faces account 2 years ago. i can barely stand ig anymore. also, i read that if you start an account on threads and then delete it, it automatically deletes your ig account too. anywho...i'd rather be in the woods. :-)
have a safe and enjoyable trip to Anneland.

love & magicks

Debra She Who Seeks said...

The only social media I'm on is Blogger. I have deliberately been a non-participant in any other platform because, as you note, there are only so many hours in the day. Enjoy your time in Anneland!

Bob said...

I am on Twitter ... I post every so often, and comment about the same amount, but I know it for what it is: a cesspool of misinformation and hate speech.
I have Facebook that I use to message with my West Coast family.
I don't think I'll Thread because .... see Twitter.

e said...

I liked Twit in the beginning because it was mostly funny cat memes. That didn't last long. Now it is a cesspool. I stopped using thatbook in 2016 - just couldn't take the constant bickering and didn't want to end up hating my hillbilly cousins. I set a notification for when my daughter posts and that's all I look at. I am very close to deleting it all and never regretting it!

Enjoy Anneland! Look out for the snakes. I hope you have a hammock.

yellowdoggranny said...

I hardly used twitter and then when dipshit bought it I closed her down..I'll stick to blogger and facebook..