Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Things I Miss

Well, here we are again at "The Gods Are Bored," on May 72nd or some such. The only upside to teaching from home is that I get enough sleep. This is counterbalanced by a million downsides. It's awful.

But pish tosh! Why dwell on the negative? Hmmm. What can I write about that is positive?

Well, the Monkey Man visited on Mother's Day, with his monkeys in tow and an Eagles mask.


He's behind that poster.

The Monkey Man is one person I don't have to miss during quarantine. He and I have been doing the pen pal thing. We help the postal service. And I write to him because I know he'll write back.

What are you missing in these stay-at-home times? I am really staying at home. Every other week I put on my Gritty mask and go to the supermarket. Otherwise the only time I go out is to walk around Haterfield. No one else wears a mask.

There's so much I miss! In no particular order:

1. the thrift store
2. the thrift store
3. the thrift store
4. teaching the ordinary way
5. the farmer's market
6. the beach (not going until I have a vaccine)
7. Mummers meetings, now being done online
8. LARP in the woods
9. daughters coming for dinner
10. hiking
11. festivals
12. road trips
13. petting other people's dogs
14. the gym
15. teacher workshops where they ladle out mountains of pastry and candy
16. senior student events
17. the thrift store
18. restaurants
19. being able to breathe while outside
20. fitting into my clothes

On the upside, my little back yard has never been more tidy. And there's a jenny wren nesting in the bird house I bought on March 9 before this all hit the fan.

What do you miss?


anne marie in philly said...

working at my physical office with my co-workers
going to a sit-down restaurant
the gym
not having to wear a mask
the sound of airplanes overhead the house on the way to PHL
the horns of SEPTA commuter rail trains
no restrictions in the grocery store
full shelves in the grocery store; still hit and miss for some items
being able to go to the liquor store

Bathwater said...

I miss seeing people, just being around people.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

--getting together with friends
--going to tai chi
--art classes
--eating at restaurants
--browsing in stores
--going to the movies

Bob said...

Being out and about without care.
Local restaurants.
Friends in for a meal.
Life as we used to know it.

yellowdoggranny said...

walking around and not having to worry about the asshole next to me in line with no mask is going to kill me.

e said...

Things I miss in no particular order:
Visiting my daughter
The public library
Thrift stores
The beach
Eating out
Walking downtown
Car trips
Life as we knew it
Freedom from low grade constant anxiety
Probably some other stuff...

Anonymous said...

in no particular order -
my yoga studio
the public library
the thrift shop
hugging my children and grandchildren
birthday gatherings and celebrations
sitting in a cafe
the beach


Ol'Buzzard said...

Except for eating out there is nothing I miss. My wife and I are doing what we always do: stay home and avoid people.
the Ol'Buzzard

Bohemian said...

Your list's replications crack me up... there's some things I mirror Missing and Ditto, tho' I've grown accustomed to being in Lock Down and could handle this for as long as it takes... I do Miss my Old Life. It kinda feels very similar to the Life Changes we had to make after The Man's Catastrophic Accident and subsequent permanent injuries from it. Our Life was never the same and due to Pandemic, will have yet another permanent adjustment to adapt and improvise a New Life, such that circumstance just is. As a full time Caregiver I've had plenty of Practice with self-imposed Social Isolation and staying Home, so for me it wasn't as profound a Loss as those who could have fullness of Life and now just can't anymore and can't seem to Cope yet, if at all? Be Well and Stay Safe, I Love The Monkey Man, what a great person to have as a Friend and Penpal... and I LOVE that he Writes back!