Saturday, February 01, 2020

Imbolc 2020

[Enter Queen Brighid the Bright]

Brighid: Anne? Anne! Are you home? My goodness, look at this place! Gamma! Where's Anne? Oh, look at Gamma's cat bowl! It's empty!

Anne: Oh, Goddess! Look at me. It's the first Imbolc on a Saturday that I can remember, and I'm just so low and listless.

Brighid: This is so unlike you, Anne.

Anne: I'm worn to a frazzle, Goddess. It's more than the day-to-day grind. I haven't had my usual vim and vigor since 2016. For all my talk of fighting the good fight, it just gets harder every day. My creativity is shot, my daughters are struggling, my husband is nocturnal. I've lost touch with some people I love. My farm is gone, my youth is gone, and there's nothing ahead but Republicans and corona virus.

Brighid: Dear child, have faith! The winter is turning.

Anne: What winter? We haven't had winter! It has snowed for one hour. It's been warm as March and April since December, which was warm as September. And September was a veritable July.

Brighid: I have noticed this curious change in temperature. It does confuse Me. But in the long, thousands-years history of humankind, the weather has ebbed and flowed. Sometimes it's colder. Sometimes it's warmer. But My light never changes. Always, always in this week the light seeps back into the land. Always, always in these weeks the blackness of the morning gives way to soft gray. Don't pay heed to the warmth, Anne, pay heed to the light.

Anne: A beautiful sentiment, Goddess! I wish I could feel the light. But the darkness seems to reign supreme. Our nation and Your beautiful green land are both under a blight. Here they say "Make America Great Again," and over there they say "Brexit." Both are a curse.

Brighid: And yet the light returns. As it did in the days of yore. You must keep the faith. Light will shine into this mess. Take My word for it.

Anne: Oh, Goddess. How could I not take your word? You're a Goddess. And a smart one. Beautiful, too. No wonder you've inspired so much poetry and art!

Brighid: Flattery is one thing. Tea and muffins are another. Look at this nice cream and butter I brought!

Anne: Well, I do have some muffins ... but they're low-calorie bran.

Brighid: We'll make do, Anne. Fresh butter makes the most ridiculous muffin taste good.

Anne: Hold that optimistic thought, Goddess. I'll warm up the muffins.

Brighid: And fill Gamma's bowl. He looks hungry!


anne marie in philly said...

I hear ya. since 2016 it seems the light has gone out. and friday put me into a super funk; no laws/no integrity matter any more. haven't seen the sun for days. I wonder if the gods/goddesses haven't deserted us too.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Brighid is right. When days are dark, we must guard her flame in our hearts, along with respect for the rule of law, human and civil rights, and integrity. Happy Imbolc to us all.

yellowdoggranny said...

the only bright side is I am not drinking..

Janie Junebug said...

Thank you, Brighid. I need your reminders.


Janie Junebug said...
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jenmoon said...

I'm not even celebrating the pagan holidays any more (have no one to celebrate with 95% of the time these days). I hear ya, Anne.

hillbilly fairy said...

Winter has a whole new despair for me since there is no Spoutwood to look forward to. And now my husband is running for Congress, I never see him, and when I do, he's distracted. I feel guilty because I don't feel excited about his campaign - the fact that he's doing it as a Republican has nothing to do with it, either, I know a Dem has about as much chance at winning an election in W by God Virginia than a rat does. It just makes me feel more hopeless. I went to Charleston earlier this week with a group to protest a bill they're going to pass that makes protesting, conspiring to protest, against the fossil fuel industry a felony.... I am in such a funk! FUCK THIS!

Eileen in Fla. said...

I feel worn down to a nub, but recently getting to know Bloomberg has given me hope that our country can return to progressive ideals and problem-solving. God I miss sanity in Government. Speaking of which...why isn't Obama speaking up?