
Thursday, May 31, 2012

Worth Reading

Welcome to "The Gods Are Bored," bleary-eyed on a Thursday morning! I feel like the bored deity in my sidebar today who has to hold the whole world up with His two hands.

Anyone who has children knows that you worry your brains out about them, even if they go from looking like the Gerber baby to grabbing that Ph.D. at Harvard. Their trials are your trials, and when things go awry for them, you inevitably blame yourself ... up to a point.

Because we all have free will, and the person you raise into young adulthood may make decisions that wrench you in twenty different directions -- but you still have to let go and let Gods.

I say this by way of introduction for a blog in which a father is writing a real-time chronicle of his son's tortured journey through depression and drug addiction. If you have a child that you are worried about, you can take real solace from this blog, just feeling that you aren't alone in the struggle. If you don't have a child with problems (yeah, right ... liar, liar, pants on fire!), please read this blog occasionally just to hold the writer in the comforting circle of the Many Gods and Goddesses.

Here's a terrific link. I know this man. He and his wife are wonderful people.


  1. My heart goes out to that family. Drug addiction is a terrible thing, cruel and destructive.

  2. Just found you through Debra She Who Seeks...
    The description under your title brought a smile to my face...I'll be back...

    I have a difficult time reading these types of books...too much empathy in me I think...

  3. I have a son who is 48 and still is in the drug trap...


Have at it. Except if you are an East Asian escort service. If the latter, you run the risk of a hex.