
Sunday, October 31, 2010

Blessings Abound

Well, my friends, my navel is here under the costume somewhere, and I have a lot of gazing to do, but Samhain is still ongoing, and there are jack-o-lanterns to attend. I hope all of you had a fabulous day. To me, this is the most wonderful time of the year.

Will write more soon.


  1. Alex (not my real name but I could play it on TV) PendragonOctober 31, 2010

    Wishing you the finest Samhain a water tester with an insanely common last name could ever hope to have!

  2. Samhain blessings to you and your navel!

  3. I hope your Samhain has been wonderful!

    Yes, this is definitely a wonderful time of year. :)

  4. As\a southerner born and bred (hemisphere, that is, not USA) - still can't figure out what the Hoo Har is about October 31. Myths and legends from a different sphere.
    However, if samhain is a happy festival - enjoy.


  5. Hope your pumpkin stays fresh enough to leave on your porch until next May...

  6. I think your Samhain has been beautiful!
    Wishing you the finest Samhain a water tester with an insanely common last name could ever hope to have!


Have at it. Except if you are an East Asian escort service. If the latter, you run the risk of a hex.