Monday, August 25, 2008

You Love Me! You Really Love Me!

Welcome to "The Gods Are Bored," liberally spicing our rants with bald sarcasm since 2005!

Lately this pretty little award has been making the rounds of Pagan blogdom. I was given the award by three different bloggers --- my goodness, I hope I have enough fresh peaches for three pies!

I'm honored that people like to read what I write. When I go to some of the other Pagan sites and see thoughtful, kind, gentle entries, combined with beautiful photographs and/or recipes and/or deep philosophy, I feel a little bit silly. But we at TGAB love to laugh! It's the best medicine.

Having been showered with love, I hereby follow the rules of the contest, which are:

*Pick seven of my favorites, and
*Let 'em know they should feel the love, and
*link 'em (not my forte, folks), and
*shove 'em into the sidebar, if they're not already there.

If you get the award, you can post the pretty graphic to your blog. And be sure to say where it comes from, Anne Johnson. Be careful with the spelling of that name.

Passing On the Love:

1. The Wild Hunt. I check Jason every day for what's happening in the news regarding Pagans, both here in the U.S. and abroad. This is a great blog, you probably already read it.

2. A Druid's Apprentice. Nettle is an herbalist and a natural medium for faeries, also a lovely human being. Anyone who can grow hefty yields of farm crops in a rowhouse backyard is special to the Bored Gods.

3. Radical Goddess Thealogy is as serious as I am flippant, but if Athana's religion suddenly took over the world, our troubles would be over.

4. A Druid's Journal is for all of you out there who want to read serious Druidry by someone who is really walking the walk with all the ups and downs daily life doles out. Again, Jeff is as serious as I am silly.

Okay, this being The Gods Are Bored, I just have to throw in some personal favorites that brighten my day.

5. Want to join a truly fringe-fringe praise and worship team? Try The Dude Who Worships Batman. He calls himself Reverend Elvis Drinkmo, and he quotes Scripture from Star Trek. Nuff said.

6. Buzzardbilly isn't a Pagan, but she's sharp as a tack and a fun daily read. Sadly there's no vulture worship at this site, just a really smart lady lobbing gobs of reality out of West Virginia.

7. Everyone should have a really fun granny, so I hereby shower love on Yellowdog Granny. She would rather be showered with Dublin Dr. Pepper and Dallas Cowboy wins, but hey. Can't get those from here, Gran! Luv u.

My luv bombs came from Beweaver at Weaving the Web, Sabrina at Pagan Dawn, and Livia Indica at Magic in These Hills.

If I got all this linking correct, I'm going to treat myself to a black-and-white milkshake.


yellowdoggranny said...

Goddess bless you my child...
this means work for me doesn't it?..ha
7?..only 7?...I only know of about 3 pagan blogs but will add some of my if i can remember how to link them all...
thanks again for the i love your blog award...for an eagles fan..your ok...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the love!

Unknown said...

would that be a root beer float?